
Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

ED or erectile dysfunction is characterised by partial or total inability to maintain erection long enough to have sexual intercourse. It is not a disease it is just a disorder that can be cured with medicines and physical & psychological therapies.

In Ayurveda this condition is known as ‘Linga shailitya’ (weakness of penis). It is charecterised by inability to achieve erection, or inconsistent ability to achieve erection, or inability to maintain an erection, or ability to achieve erection for a short period.

Common signs

1. Penis does not get hard enough or stay hard enough for sexual intercourse
2. Lower levels of sex drive
3. Lack of energy
4. Reduced interest in sexual intercourse
5. Decrease athletic performance
6. Frequent mood swings

Common causes

1. Stress
2. Anxiety over sex
3. Injury to penis
4. Cardio vascular disorders
5. Disturbance in the sexual intercourse
6. Injury to nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, or fibrous tissues
7. Prostate, bladder or rectal region surgery
8. Lower levels of testosterones
9. Sleep disorders
10. Dislike of sexual partners
11. Diseases such as hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, anemia, arthritis, asthma, liver disorders, fatigue, endocrine disorders, diabetes, and arthritis
12. Anti-depressants, tranquilizers, or anti-hypertensive medicines taken for long time
13. Addictions like tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, or heroin
14. Obesity
15. Prolonged cycling
16. Sexual abuse

Common remedies for erectile dysfunction

Ayurveda recommends Vaji karana therapy or virilification therapies for ED. This therapy claims to make the patient as ‘virile as a horse’ and makes use of various aphrodisiacs, tonics to be used internally and externally, and appropriate diet plans. The remedy includes -

1. Powder of Indian ginseng to be taken with milk
2. Velvet bean powder to be taken with milk
3. Flowers of Drum stick tree in the diet
4. Crab extract in the diet
5. Fig fruits in the diet
6. White pumpkin juice and Pumpkin seed oil

Common Ayurveda ingredients for ED

1. Ashwaganda Lehyam
2. Sukumaram Lehyam
3. Sukra Vallabha Ras
4. Amrita Prasa Ghee
5. Maha Kalyanaka Ghee
6. Bhallataka Lehyam
7. Linga Vardhana Thailam
8. Soubhakya Vardana Thailam
9. Shilajatu Parpam
10. Karisalai Parpam

There are more than 1000 Ayurvedic recipes for treatment and management of ED.

Yoga for Erectile Dysfunction

Apart from herbal remedies, some simple exercises can help improve ED. These exercises relieve physical and psychological stress which in turn helps improve cardio-vascular functions essential in treating ED.
Many Yoga experts advocate Kanda Asana which has been clinically proven effective for improving strength in legs, thighs, and muscles below the navel region. The asana also reduces stiffness in hips and joint pains. It also improves sexual vigor and is, thus, good for treating impotence including erectile dysfunction.


Holistic management with Ayurveda, Yoga, and Diet & Nutrition may help in curing this condition completely. Many clinical and scientific researches have shown more positive improvements in ED with Complementary and Alternative medicines as compared with allopathic medicines.

Write to drkgowthaman@gmail.com for a FREE ED CONSULTATION with Dr Gowthaman

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